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We are a technical-scientific unit that provides services and trainings related with mapping, geoprocessing and spatial analysis, to provide geospatial support for a better decision making.

UJES FCA laboratory

  • Croqui de localização

    Prod 01 - LABSIGDER

    Location sketches

    We produce custom location sketches of any plot located on the globe via satellite imagery graphically highlighting landmarks, rivers, lakes, roads, railways, and buildings. Our corquis are made with GIS software so they are of...

    our sketches
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  • Mapas de uso de solo

    Prod 02 - LABSIGDER

    Land use maps

    We produce specific maps of land use, which can provide accurate data about what is on the land of a certain region, which is a precious data for decision-making, for entrepreneurs from the most diverse sectors as...

    our land use maps
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  • Acessória técnica

    Prod 03 - LABSIGDER

    Accessory to farmers: through satellite images

    Large production areas, in addition to allowing large quantities of agricultural products, are also prone to large losses, because of the great difficulty and costs to monitor the same production areas. For this problem, LABSIGDER provides ...

    our accessories
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  • Adquação agrícola

    Prod 04 - LABSIGDER

    Agricultural Potential Map: Crop Adaptation

    A problem that investors in the agricultural sector have been facing is the following: I have a plot and I don't know which crops are suited to the type of soil and the climatic conditions of the same. Similar to the previous one, it is the case of investors...

    our crop suitability maps
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+244 927 627 744

Chianga | Huambo | Angola


+244 927 627 744
+244 926 043 182
